Archive | September, 2011

Something is wrong with her.

14 Sep

I don’t know If you already heard this, but this past Sunday former Morning Musume Kago Ai tried to commit suicide.


I don’t understand. In the past months, it seems like Kago is trying to do everything possible to fuck her career up. She ceased her activity with her agency and she hooked up with an older man (yet again); she is showing something to us. And that something is: She hasn’t learned ANYTHING.

I’m a big fan of her. I loved her since she joined MoMusu, and I love her now. But I just can’t approve her actions; I don’t give a fuck if she wants to keep her contract with her agency, don’t get me wrong. I’m upset that she isn’t even thinking about her own health when she does stupid shit like this. Sure, this is a serious matter, and I’m REALLY glad she’s ok (if the news are to be believed), but I can’t help but think that she’s just stupid. She is not stupid because she wants to be, but she does nothing to stop being stupid. Life is our biggest treasure, and no matter what happens, no matter if her boyfriend got busted (I mean, he is not really worth it, seeing he is connected to the yakuza and stuff), nothing acts as an excuse for what she just did. To drug yourself and then attempt a suicide is just… wrong.

NO EXCUSES KAGO. Learn to give us results of what you learned those two years you were away from us. Learn to be a better person. If you really care about yourself. Don’t do it for us. Do it for your OWN SAFETY.

Smile again, our Love Basket. You don’t look pretty with scars on your wrists.

Live free. Don’t push yourself too hard.